Meet Kelsey Glass

Have you met Kelsey Glass yet? She is one of our newest team members at TrustWorkz! Kelsey is an Atlanta transplant that brings a fun personality and an expertise in Mass Communications and Marketing to our team. Learn more about our newest addition in this quick meet and greet!

Q&A with Kelseykelsey glass

  Q: Where are you from? A: I currently live in Acworth, GA, however I grew up in the Chicago area until my freshman year of high school. I loved the city…but i don’t miss the weather! Q: Where did you go to school and what did you study? A: I went to Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, GA. I had no idea what I wanted to major in, so I took a bunch of classes on a whim just to test the waters. An intro to mass media class was all it took for me to fall in love and pursue a major in Mass Communications. To incorporate a little more of the social media/SEO aspect of communication, I decided to minor in Marketing as well. Q: What is your favorite part about Internet marketing? A: As far as what I’d say I have the most fun doing, I would definitely have to say the blogging! I’ve always loved to write, but never really saw myself as a creative person. Or so I thought. Blogging made me think a little outside the box and explore creativity I didn’t know I had. In relation to general internet marketing, I love it because it’s ever evolving and there’s always something new to learn from it. Q: If you were to pick one social media channel to keep up with friends and family which one would it be? A: Definitely Instagram! I think that’s the one you can get the most creative with, and I love photography. It might sound weird, but if I haven’t seem someone in awhile and I randomly run into them, I recall most of their information from pictures they’ve posted. I’m a very visual person! Q: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be? A: Oh my, this is tough. I eat EVERYTHING. Not sure if this is too vague, but I’d eat a sandwich for every meal. There are so many different options you can create with a sandwich so you won’t get bored! Q: Favorite Pandora station? A: Well, electronic dance music is my absolute favorite and pretty much all I listen to. The general EDM stations tend to overplay a lot though, so I tend to pick out whatever DJ/Producer I’m feeling that day and it will play songs similar. Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? And what three things would you bring with you? A: Switzerland. I have two reasons for it: 1) I don’t have many fears, but the one I do have is skydiving. I’m determined to conquer it and I figured if I’m going to do it, why not skydive in a beautiful place? 2) There is this little cottage located in Aescher, Switzerland that sits on the top of hills. I saw a picture of it once and told myself I will make it a point to go there in my lifetime! Q: If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be? A: If I could have any superpower, I would want to understand and speak every language. Even animals, if that’s not weird.


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