Surprise: Your Web Presence is Loaded with Valuable Info

Reporting and Website Analytics

Building a web presence for your small business holds many advantages for both short and long term marketing goals. Successful inbound marketing campaigns are constantly being touched, tweaked, and modified by humans to maintain and continually build their web presence. Through reporting tools that help us track data from websites, professional online marketers (like our WebOps®) are able to pull levers and make shifts when needed to increase leads for businesses.

Analyzing trends helped lead to tripling traffic.
Analyzing trends helped lead to tripling traffic.

Tracking website data provides insights to marketers so that we can see what’s working, and what needs more attention on the website. Some of the greatest information shared from website analytics is from the unexpected wins. By taking the time to thoroughly review data from our clients, WebOps® can spot trends in popular pages within the website or keywords that were used to find our clients. As time goes on, the data builds and is used to continue to dominate search engine results for our clients.

Data Takes Time and Energy to Grow and Decipher

The web analytics we receive and turn into actionable results from websites are like internet gold. Creating a well tuned, ever growing website from these analytics takes time. When building a web presence, we typically look for trends to help us make decisions. Website analytics become increasingly valuable as time goes by, so that we can look back on data from months at a time. If your business is seasonal, analyzing your website traffic might help find why your customers are coming to your website during the off season. It could completely change the content being delivered in order to suit the needs of your current and potential customers.

A residential landscaper, for example, might be more interested in delivering content about lawn maintenance and services during the spring and summer, while the late winter months could benefit from content surrounding landscape planning. The ability to track the data that draws local clients to your site helps to identify content that makes an impact. Over time, it can lead to the accumulation of thousands of keyword variations that helped internet searchers find your small business online. By spotting trends and addressing need periods, a WebOp® can create content that meets immediate needs for the business, as well as create evergreen content that lasts for months or even years.

Building a web presence takes time, especially if you plan on making it last for years to come. Initially, you might have in mind a handful of keywords that you think customers will use to find their way to your site. You might be surprised after a year of building your web presence when your WebOp® tells you that there were hundreds of keyword variants used by local searchers to find your small business online. The ability to record and analyze data from your website is an essential piece to growing your business.

Contact TrustWorkz® today to find out how your small business marketing can benefit from a professional WebOp® managing your web presence.




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