Meet & Greet with Rachel Miller

Rachel Miller - TrustWorkz

Rachel Miller - TrustWorkzTrustWorkz friends, meet Rachel Miller.

We really like her, and we think you will too!

Rachel recently jumped on board with TrustWorkz and we couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to her! After getting her acclimated and showing her around our new office space, we thought it would be great to ask her a few fun questions and share her answers with you. Enjoy.

Get to Know Rachel Q&As

Q. We’ll start off with an easy question. Where are you from? 
A. I’m a homegrown Georgia peach, born at Northside Hospital* in Atlanta.
*It’s important to note that people from Atlanta identify themselves with being born in one of two hospitals: Northside and Piedmont.

Q. What is your favorite part about Internet marketing (social, content, SEO, etc)?  
A. I enjoy discovering the seemingly endless reach internet marketing has through social media platforms. Engaging with the online community is a fascinating experience made even more gratifying when I am able to connect prospective customers to businesses. These social interactions also allow valuable insights into elements of businesses that may or may not be working; a process which I like dissecting and reporting on.

Q. What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
A. DragonCon! Yes, the insanely geeky, pop culture convention that annually takes over Atlanta during Labor Day weekend. I love to make costumes and cosplay various characters with my friends at this con.

Q. If you could be any animal, which would you choose and why?
A. A shark, because they terrify me; however, as a shark I could swim in the ocean with few worries!

Q. What was the first concert you ever attended? 
A. 99X’s Big Day Out alternative rock concert series at Lakewood Amphitheatre on Sept. 18, 1999. Some big names that year were Cake, Garbage and Bush.

Q. What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
A. My absolute favorite thing to do is to hang out with my 8-year-old daughter, Lana. We love exploring inside and outside of Atlanta, and I’m always intrigued to see the world through her eyes. I am also a member of the Metro Atlanta Geeks, a club dedicated to all geek-related things which spans a multitude of fandoms and interests (we can basically geek out over anything). As a group of 2000+ members, we enjoy doing various geeky activities all year long!

Q. Do you have a funny viral video that you think we should watch?
A. Jedi Kittens Strike Back


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