How the RSA Connected Their Convention to the World

RSA 2016 - Las VegasTrustWorkz is proud to have been the official Internet Marketing Agency of the Roller Skating Industry Convention and Trade Show this year. We were tasked with managing the social presence of the Convention and with helping attendees learn how to connect with their audience. Our goals were simple; engage with attendees, connect with those that unfortunately couldn’t make it, and make sure that the world knew that the roller skating industry was thriving.

Roller Skating Industry Convention and Trade Show
With our goals in mind, TrustWorkz sent two Web Operatives (Kelsey & Kristi) to Convention this year to cover sessions, important news, and consult with rink owners on how they can connect their businesses with their customers. Additionally, we used a large projection screen on the trade show floor to showcase all of the social activity happening on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in real time. TrustWorkz surprised the RSA members with a special On Demand Geofilter for Snapchat. We wanted to introduce the members to one of the fastest growing social networks since Facebook so that they could ride the wave.

Snapchat On Demand Geofilter

The Social Media Impact of Our Efforts

  • Twitter and Instagram Users: Last year, around 5 users were engaging online through the hashtag. It was mostly us Tweeting on behalf of our customers that were vendors or attendees. This year, at least 61 people on Twitter and Instagram were using the official hashtag, #SkateCon2016!
  • Posts (Twitter/Instagram): 302
  • Unique Reach (Twitter/Instagram): 21,826
  • Impressions on Twitter/Instagram: 147,194
  • People Talking About #SkateCon2016 on Facebook: +1,000
  • Snapchat Geofilter Attention: 23 uses and 414 views. This is better than we were hoping for due to the fact that we realized we would be introducing Snapchat to the majority of attendees.

Additionally, we received a handful of messages from rink owners that were seeking membership information.

How the Network Nook Impacted Attendees

The main reason for our Web Operatives to attend the show was to provide support to RSA members within the Network Nook. This was a designated area within the trade show that would be used to educate attendees. It was completely free of charge, and we also made it a “sales free” zone so that we could maintain the integrity of the area as VALUE first. The Network Nook was a major success as we were able to consult with many rink owners and operators.

As an industry, the Roller Skating Association benefits from members being on the cutting edge of marketing trends. It’s important so that it continues to ride the wave of roller skating’s recent comeback (just check out all of the advertisements and music videos that include skating now). For TrustWorkz, it helps solidify our authority on the topic within the industry so that members know that we support them and that we’re here to help. We believe that providing value first will eventually lead to new customers. That’s why we preach adding value to all of our customers so that they can improve their sales too! It’s important to TrustWorkz to be actual practitioners of our marketing philosophy for our customers.

We were excited that the RSA had the vision (thanks Chris Griffith and Tina Robertson) to see the need for the Network Nook and we were extremely honored to be asked to take on that responsibility!


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