The typical sales funnel has completely flipped upside down. Gone are the days of just picking up a phone or walking into a shop, and then closing a sale on the spot. Don’t get me wrong, that can still happen, but it’s fairly rare these days. The thing is that human behavior is changing because of the ever expanding wealth of information we have access to at our fingertips. That’s exactly why marketing and sales should be in close communication with each other!
A marketers job today is to expand brand recognition, educate potential customers, and warm prospects up to taking that first step with your company. It can take 15-20 experiences with your company before a sales prospect ever reaches out or is even open to a cold call. These brand experiences through content marketing, social advertising, email marketing, and social media content can help create a savings account of sorts for your brand. As experiences add up, sales prospects become significantly closer to making a decision even before a sales person reaches out to them. This process can help your sales team become more effective by focusing on prospects that are closer to a buying decision without bugging potential customers that are still in the very early stages.
Does your Internet marketing strategy support the goals of your sales team?