Snapchat Playlists, Instagram Friend Likes, & Google Reviews – #AskAWebOp Ep 53

AskAWebOp - Snapchat Playlists, Instagram Likes, and Google Review Changes

Plenty of new updates rolled out during our two weeks off from #AskAWebOp. Instagram’s changes include updates to their ads and how followers are becoming influencers. Meanwhile, Snapchat helps users curate content with a new playlist feature. To round it all out, Google is putting a major emphasis on local data and reputation for Google My Business listings. Watch as Taylor and Kelsey explain the updates and how they will impact your small business.


Guest Writer

User-Generated Content and Your Business

       When it comes to promoting your business online, there’s only so much content you can create yourself! This is where content submitted by your customers comes into play! This type of content not only allows customers to feel seen by your business, but also shows potential customers

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Guest Writer

Three Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Digital Presence!

       As the blooms continue and spring begins to slowly roll into summer, it’s the perfect time for businesses to refresh and revitalize their digital presence. When it comes to social media and online marketing, maintaining a clean and professional image is essential for success. We’ve gathered some

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Guest Writer

Fight Back Against Online Trolls and Bots

       Have you noticed an increase in spam comments on your social media feeds that seem unrelated to your posts or are inflammatory for no apparent reason? It’s not just you – there has been a widespread increase in bot and troll behavior online over the past year,

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How To
Guest Writer

Four Tips for Interacting with Customers Online!

Today, the way businesses interact with customers online can greatly impact their reputation and success. From handling customer praise to addressing complaints, maintaining proper online etiquette is essential.  Here are four tips for businesses to effectively engage with customers while navigating the realm of online feedback: 1. Respond Promptly and

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