Take the Leap with Facebook Retargeting Ads

Let me friend you.

How many times have you heard those words? In today’s social media-driven world, Facebook friending has become synonymous with finding someone worthy of time and investment. That translates to businesses too. When a user likes a business on Facebook, they’re saying that they’re engaged enough with that brand to want to see posts on their personal timeline.

Building an engaging, community-centric Facebook page is a long-term marketing strategy. But how can you reach the right customers at the right time (that time being right now)?

Retargeting Ads for Local Businesses

Facebook ads allow small businesses to compete with big names by putting their brand, services, and seasonal specials on people’s personal Facebook and Instagram feeds, where ads can promote immediate action. At TrustWorkz, we’re taking Facebook ads further for our clients with retargeting campaigns.

So what exactly does a retargeting ad do? It’s simple. We’ll drop a pixel on your website, which allows us to track users who visit certain pages. Depending on the needs of your business, we can keep the retargeting campaign broad (users who visited any page on your website) or narrow (users who put an item into their cart but did not purchase). We can then show specific ads to the customers who are most likely to take action on the product, service, or special you’re advertising.

Retargeting Campaign Case Study

We recently completed a Facebook Ad retargeting campaign. The numbers speak for themselves.

  • Helium retargeting campaignFacebook Ad spend: $150
  • Ad Type: Facebook Retargeting Campaign
  • Ad Clicks: 568
  • Revenue from Ad: Over $6000 in sales!

With over 1.18 billion daily active Facebook users, it’s no surprise that the right marketing strategy can have a dramatic ROI. Facebook’s hard-hitting targeting technology allows us to speak directly to the most valuable users for your business, leading to both short-term profits and long-term brand loyalty.

Want to take advantage of this untapped market of high-value customers? Call today and ask the TrustWorkz team to develop an individualized retargeting strategy to put your local business on the map (and deeper in the green).


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