Testify! 3 Reasons to Share Customer Testimonials on Your Website

The Value of Sharing Testimonials on Your Website

Customer testimonials aren’t just nice to hear; they can have a huge impact on your business! Learn why you should share customer testimonials on your website.

You’re probably familiar with the phrase “straight from the horse’s mouth,” indicating that you’ve heard a piece of information from an original or reliable source. But do you know where this colorful saying comes from?  If you guessed Mister Ed, kudos for knowing your 1960s sitcoms! However, the phrase actually comes from horse racing. The most trusted sources on which horses to bet on are those closest to the horse—the stable boys. The only way to get more accurate information would be from the horses themselves. 

You can use this principle to grow your business by sharing customer testimonials on your website. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over all other forms of advertising. And research indicates that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation

Clearly, customer testimonials can be a powerful tool. Stick around to learn more about the value of sharing testimonials on your website. 

Reasons to Share Testimonials on Your Website

Word of Mouth Works

Simply put, word of mouth is the most effective way to gain new customers. People these days are used to being bombarded with sleek advertisements everywhere they look; pop-ups, banner ads, video and podcast ad breaks, Instagram #sponcon (sponsored content), and advertorials, just to name a few. The constant barrage of marketing has created skeptical consumers who aren’t persuaded by pithy ad copy and stylish graphic design alone. 

Reaching these savvy customers might seem challenging, but don’t worry—customer testimonials are your secret weapon. Customers use online reviews and testimonials to make purchasing decisions every day because they trust other customers to provide unbiased opinions. No amount of clever marketing can match the authenticity of a real person sharing their genuine opinion. That authenticity fosters trust and can give potential customers the nudge they need to become actual customers.

Feedback Fosters Growth 

One of the most common reasons for ignoring online reviews is a fear of criticism. But engaging with customer feedback—both positive and negative—can be incredibly beneficial to your business. Even a negative review can have value if you see it as an opportunity: Does it shed light on an area of the customer experience that you can improve? Can you use it as a way to publicly show off your excellent customer service and professionalism? Are you able to resolve the complaint and turn that disgruntled reviewer into a returning customer?
Monitoring and engaging with customer feedback can also reinforce what you’re doing well. Positive reviews and testimonials help you know where you’re excelling and give you more information about your target customers. When you get positive feedback, don’t just pat yourself on the back and move on; leverage that review to market your business!  

Reputation Matters—Online and Off 

Your reputation affects more than just word of mouth. It can also affect how visible you are online. Reputation management and on-site testimonials are crucial components of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and can have a major effect on your SERP ranking (where you show up on a Search Engine Results Page in relation to other sites). 

Google and other search engines are focused on providing the searcher with the best answer to their query. The higher your star rating, the more likely you are to rank highly on the page.  

Ready to take control of your online reputation and leverage customer feedback in your marketing efforts? We’re here to help, so contact TrustWorkz today!


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