Should You Pay for Your Content to Reach More People?

Pay to promote content

Pay to promote content

Should you be paying for exposure on Facebook? Absolutely!

The concept of content marketing revolves around the idea of delivering relevant, quality, and original information to your (current and soon to be) customers. The goal is to provide them with value, and in turn, they will convert into customers. Recently, Facebook and other social media platforms have started to really push their revenue models, and it has everyone in a fuss.

“What!? I have to pay for Facebook now???”

Well, you don’t have to pay for Facebook, but that’s only if you don’t love tapping into one of the biggest marketing opportunities that the world has ever seen.

Yes, You Should Pay to Promote Your Content

With a solid content marketing strategy in place, you want your current, past, and potential customers to see what you have to offer. A blog about upcoming events in March could be very helpful to a group of young adults looking for something fun to do on the weekend. Parents might appreciate an informative video on how young children could have fun at your roller skating rink with a skatemate. The goal is to hit them over and over again with value. Gary Vaynerchuk articulates this concept well:

You jab your customers over and over to begin with and provide them with nothing but value. Forget your ROI. Just make great content that they can use. Then, hit them with the right hook. The sale. The ask to buy. But those first jabs are crucial…”

When you target correctly and you hit your audience with content that brings value to their lives, you begin to hit home runs!

Facebook really opened up a world of opportunities for brands through advertising. Your brand is no longer limited by the amount of people that like your page. These days, $5 to $10 can help you place your content in front of thousands of potential customers. This is often a much better use of your money than to blindly blanket neighborhoods with mailers that will never be seen. If by chance your postcard is seen by someone, you generally have to run a big discount to catch their attention. Why give away your product or service with discount in mailers that don’t work, when you could get the full price that you deserve because you added value first through content marketing? It just takes $5 to reach thousands of interested eyes.

When to Start Selling

Each piece of unique and valuable content that your target audience sees turns into a bank of experiences with your brand before they ever step foot into your facility. While each blog might not produce a certain number of clients, they do set you up for when you decide to run a new promotion or special event. Because you provided value with your web presence, your “buy me” message is welcomed!

This strategy is currently and has always been in place for TrustWorkz. Our goal is to provide our friends with valuable content that they can digest and implement our recommendation on their own at their business. Our ask to buy only works because we are concerned with providing value in our content above a sales pitch. The process doesn’t happen overnight, but it works!

Learn more about targeting correctly with Facebook’s custom audiences in Episode 2 of #AskAWebOp!

Have you started to use paid advertising to promote your content on social media? We’d love to hear what you think! Leave a comment on Facebook, Tweet us on Twitter, or email us your thoughts! 


About TrustWorkz
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