I’m actually not picking on the ladies here today, far from it. Women business owners represent the fastest growing segment of the economy; I personally find it extremely prudent to pay very close attention to this segment. (A humble hat tip to all of my lady friends who are my colleagues and peers, I owe you much!) In doing so I find that my own predictive capabilities are honed and I feel much more confident as we position our clients and our own business in preparation of things to come.
A little over a week ago the 2013 State of Women Owned Businesses Survey results were released by Web.com and the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO). The survey was conducted between 12/14/12 – 1/4/13 and 552 NAWBO members participated. I wanted to point out a few things here today and I also wanted to share an Infographic that was constructed using data from the survey.
I hope that by now, at least for most of you, that you don’t think of Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Content Marketing as mere buzzwords or as some sort of a trend. At this point in our evolution as marketers and business owners this can all safely be lumped together and correctly called a shift…or at the very least a real movement towards mass adoption as a society of these tools, tactics, and behaviors.
The survey (and Infographic) reveals a perception (again, from the fastest growing segment of the economy) about the importance of Social Media, Website Design, Mobile Strategy, and Search Engine Optimization. As far as intent and where efforts and budgets will be spent, Social Media and SEO are considered to be the future of small business marketing. We here at TrustWorkz® couldn’t agree more.
If you haven’t already aligned yourself and your business’ trajectory with the women who participated in this survey, I hope that this finds its way to the very top of your to-do list. We really want to see you at the top of heap when the dust settles!
As you browse through the Infographic, don’t let the pervasive sense of economic optimism be lost on you…for me this was a very important takeaway. Enjoy!