#TrustyTips – Spring Cleaning

TrustyTips- Internet MarketingAs we enter a new month, our team at TrustWorkz is excited to share our newest blog series, #TrustyTips. Each #TrustyTips post will give you insight into what is trending in the digital space to help you improve productivity and marketing for your business.

Additionally, we will have a few words of wisdom from our trusty Web Operatives, who are in the trenches working with our clients, engaging on social media channels and actively blogging everyday! What’s the best part about our #TrustyTips series? We want to hear from you! Use the hashtag #TrustyTips and Tweet, Facebook or send us an email with questions and topics on what you would like us to cover! Let’s get started…

Trusty Tips: Spring Cleaning

For today’s, #TrustyTips we are covering spring cleaning your web presence.Whether it’s a lack of time, resources or just understanding of the digital space, we know that keeping up with your digital marketing is really tough to do. Today, we have put together a few ways to get moving on your digital spring cleaning.

1. Remove or Update Outdated Content: Is your “upcoming events” section filled with outdated information? Make sure that you update the old information or remove it ASAP! Visitors to your website judge your company based on the content of your website. Make sure time specific sections are updated. If you aren’t actively using the section, it’s best to just remove it.

2. Update Your Blog: Google wants to see fresh, relevant content on your site. If you aren’t producing new content, your site is just a static, lifeless, online brochure. Blogging is an easy way to keep the momentum going for producing fresh content that search engines love. If it’s industry news, event coverage, or talking about a new employee, your blog gives a personal side to your business. It’s a valuable opportunity to connect with new and current potential customers!

3. Click Your Own Links: It seems silly but so many times incorrect/dead links are added to websites. Do a run through of your site and click on all relevant links to make sure they are pointing to somewhere useful. You can use the Check My Links Tool for Google Chrome to check for broken links on your website.

We understand that updating your web presence takes work,but it’s an essential piece of marketing and branding for your business. If you need help creating content, blogging or managing social media, contact TrustWorkz today! We are here to help!

Web Op Words Of Wisdom

Knowing When to Post

Lauren Turner From Lauren Turner:

“When is the best time to send out our Facebook posts?” “This didn’t get the engagement I expected. Was it because of the time of day we sent the update?”

Timing is Everything

These are common questions from our clients, and other business owners that are trying to leverage Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social media outlets for their company. SumAll.com did a comprehensive study so that they could determine exactly when is the best time to social media. This article and infographic details their findings. But, what every business owner should keep in mind, is that while this does give some evidence as to when the most activity is happening on these social platforms, these times are only suggestions. The best time for your business to post throughout the day will be determined through experimentation. Each business has a unique customer base and those customers each respond to and act differently on social media.

Read the article here: “Post Smarter: The Best Times to Use Social Platforms (Infographic)” – Entrepreneur

 Teachers on Twitter Making the Connection

Bethany BeaudrieFrom Bethany Beaudrie
This article is not specifically geared toward SEO or content marketing, but emphasizes the importance of connecting with others on Twitter within a specific industry. The wealth of information and resources that can be shared and found is invaluable regardless of the industry. As a WebOp, I love that I can help find relevant people and organizations on Twitter for my clients to follow.
Read the article here: “10 Rockstar Teachers on Twitter” – Mashable



Guest Writer

User-Generated Content and Your Business

       When it comes to promoting your business online, there’s only so much content you can create yourself! This is where content submitted by your customers comes into play! This type of content not only allows customers to feel seen by your business, but also shows potential customers

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Guest Writer

Three Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Digital Presence!

       As the blooms continue and spring begins to slowly roll into summer, it’s the perfect time for businesses to refresh and revitalize their digital presence. When it comes to social media and online marketing, maintaining a clean and professional image is essential for success. We’ve gathered some

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Guest Writer

Fight Back Against Online Trolls and Bots

       Have you noticed an increase in spam comments on your social media feeds that seem unrelated to your posts or are inflammatory for no apparent reason? It’s not just you – there has been a widespread increase in bot and troll behavior online over the past year,

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How To
Guest Writer

Four Tips for Interacting with Customers Online!

Today, the way businesses interact with customers online can greatly impact their reputation and success. From handling customer praise to addressing complaints, maintaining proper online etiquette is essential.  Here are four tips for businesses to effectively engage with customers while navigating the realm of online feedback: 1. Respond Promptly and

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