Get To Know Our Interns: Carey and Allison

TrustWorkz Interns

This summer has been really exciting for the TrustWorkz team! We have been lucky enough to hire two extremely talented interns to work with us, learn from us, and hopefully take away some great knowledge about the digital space. In today’s post, we have both Carey and Allison give us their thoughts on interning thus far and what they are excited about moving forward!

TrustWorkz Interns
(left to right) Carey and Allison

Meet Allison:

With my first week as a TrustWorkz intern behind me, I can honestly say that I am even more excited about the internship than I was on my first day.  The chance to learn content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing strategies from the TrustWorkz team is a wonderful opportunity to gain some hands-on experience as I enter my final year as an Economics student at Berry College in Rome, Georgia this fall.  The field of online media is fascinating, and I hope to apply the knowledge and experience gained from this internship to a career in online media in the future. I am confident that interning with TrustWorkz will provide plenty of opportunities for new experiences!

Even though I have only been in the office one week, it is apparent that the TrustWorkz team is committed to partnering with their clients to achieve the best possible results. TrustWorkz’s dedication  to ensuring that the technicalities of online marketing are easy to understand and practical for the busy business owner.  TrustWorkz is a friendly workplace filled with smart people who know their work well, and it is a pleasure to work with everyone in the office. I look forward to spending the rest of the summer working with my fellow intern Carey and the rest of the TrustWorkz team.

Meet Carey:

Why would a Healthcare Major want to be a TrustWorkz Intern? I’m Carey and I’m an intern at TrustWorkz – because I got really lucky this summer.  After applying for an assortment of summer internships, TrustWorkz called me in for an interview. Secretly, I wanted to work with them the most!

I’m from Atlanta (weird, right?), I have two great kids about to launch into Middle School, and I just celebrated my two year wedding anniversary.  Work, kids and a new husband just didn’t keep me busy enough, so a few years ago I decided to finally finish that college degree. I am in the last two semesters of my Bachelor of Healthcare Administration degree at Reinhardt University (Go Eagles!).  As you are aware, healthcare in our country is undergoing a huge transformation that will effect every one of us.  A variety of circumstances effect whether people can even access healthcare.  We patients are increasingly seeking out medical information- which is hard to sort through because it’s written very scientific and there is just so much of it!   Every time I strike up a conversation with a doctor or health provider about their business, they tell me they are having a hard time even finding patients.  So, it seems like a natural fit for me to help providers and patients connect together. People make connections through social media. I knew I needed to work with a team of experts to master the Tao of Social Media Marketing.  At TrustWorkz, I have already learned so much – and it’s only been a couple of weeks!

I have always been an early adopter of new technology and I’m a social media user but, I had some missing pieces I needed to find.  I wanted to understand how and where to influence others so I could help make those connections. I needed to know where to get all the information for my future customers and how to make sense of the pages and pages of data.

My other option was to learn the technical aspects of this job and would have had to take coding and programming classes.  After a year of memorizing bones and looking through a microscope at bacteria, I decided that the thought of adding programming classes was simply out of the question.  Plus, my husband said there’s only room for one Software Engineer in the family (him).  My internship at TrustWorkz has not only given me immediate marketable skills I can add to my resume, but I get to work for a cool tech company without having to relocate to Silicon Valley!

Are you interested in learning more about our internship program at TrustWorkz? Contact us today!


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