Effective Content Marketing Tips

Content Soup

Content Marketing Soup

Most people don’t like the feeling of being sold to, but they do like useful information and easy-to-find answers. Content marketing can deliver those benefits while promoting your business, which is why it is one of the most effective ways to reach customers online.

Blog posts, white papers, ebooks, newsletters, and other types of content all have their own benefits, but according to Hubspot, companies with blogs get 55% more website visitors than those without. Blogging will help you connect with both current and potential customers, so it’s important to make every blog post count.

Over the next few weeks, we will breakout each of these topics below to give you a more in depth overview of each step in creating an effective blog post. Let’s begin.

Today will will start with discussing the recipe for a great blog post – each element will be discussed in the upcoming weeks. Take for example the humble-yet-delicious chocolate chip cookie. The ingredients are simple. Some of the quantities- salt, baking soda- seem negligible. And yet anyone who has ever left out an ingredient can attest that the finished product just isn’t right! Blog posts have their own recipe, so take a look at our checklist below.

Content Marketing Checklist

  • Catchy headline
  • Attention-grabbing introduction
  • Useful information
  • Reader-friendly format
  • Choosing a visual
  • Call to action
  • Effective Closer

Creating a recipe for a great blog post is the first step in creating a successful content marketing plan for your brand. Each week we will continue to navigate the content marketing checklist and offer more insight in building a great strategy!


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