Meet & Greet with Zach Sanders


We would like you to meet Zach Sanders, one of our newest TrustWorkz team members!

Zach joined the TrustWorkz almost two months ago as a Web Operative and has since hit the ground running. With his Public Relations background and writing experience, Zach is an asset to the team. Learn more about Zach and his humorous outlook on life through his Q&A session.


Q&A session with Zach Sanders

Q. Where are you from?

A. Georgia Peach, through and through. I was born in Kennestone Hospital, and raised around the city of Marietta. 

Q. Where did you go to school and what did you study?

A. I graduated from Kennesaw State University with a major in Public Relations, and a minor in Film Studies. One of my favorite things to do, is interact with people, so public relations was an immediately appealing to me. And because I love to communicate, I also love a great story. Film studies reinforced my love of story telling, and has given me a unique perspective with writing. 

Q. What is your favorite part about Internet marketing (social, content, SEO, etc)?

A. I love to write, it is something I am truly passionate about. Creating online content presents a very exciting challenge to find someone’s voice, and then figuring out the best way to portray that with words and content. 

Q. If you were to pick one social media channel to stay connected with friends and family, which one would it be and why?  

A. I’m an Instagram fiend! I’m a very visual person, and I really like the idea of being able to tell a story through images. 

Q. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A. Well, I eat a lot, so that’s hard to say. But in the words of Ron Swanson, “Give me all the bacon and eggs you have.”

Q. What do you do in your spare time when you are not managing your client’s digital presence?

A. I like to stay pretty active. I am currently preparing for the Savage Race in April, though I am not even close to being prepared for it. Cross your fingers.

Q. What movie could watch over and over?

A. If a marathon of Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter is on TV, I clear my schedule. 


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