Getting the Most Out of Periscope Live Streaming

periscope 101 for smbs

periscope 101 for smbs

If live streaming is not part of your current marketing strategy, then it might be time to reevaluate. With apps like Periscope, Meerkat, and Facebook Live, the ability to live stream has become easier than ever. Now, anyone can be a show host, reporter or broadcaster with their smartphone.

Not convinced that live streaming should be a part of your 2016 marketing strategy? The proof is in the numbers. Today, Periscope has more than four million daily active users.

Let’s discuss how you can expand your strategy into this huge community and how your business can get the most out of Periscope.

Connect to Twitter

Building a community is important for many social media platforms and Periscope is no exception. Be sure to connect your Periscope profile to Twitter so when you go live, the app will tweet your link and your Twitter followers will be able to keep up with you and join in on the fun.

Develop a Captivating Stream Title & Use Hashtags

When you muster up the courage to start your live stream, come up with a creative and catchy stream title. This will entice your followers and new people to become interested in your stream. Hashtags will also help! Do your research on relevant hashtags and be sure to include them in your stream title.

Turn Your Location On

This very important! With Periscope’s map feature, people in your area can watch your live stream. When you turn your location on, you are reaching potential local customers in your area.

Start Streaming!

Now that you have connected your profile to Twitter, crafted a witty title (that includes relevant hashtags!) and your location is turned on, then it is time to start streaming.

Once you start streaming, set a goal to stream for 10 minutes or more. Why? Streaming for an extended period of time gives people a chance to join in and participate. The longer you stream, the more opportunities you are giving people to jump onto the stream with you.

What Should I Stream?

Many of you may be excited about this opportunity to be your business’s personal show host or reporter, but you are stuck wondering, “What should I live stream?” Not to worry! There are many things that you can show your community. Here are a few examples:

  • Behind the Scenes – Give a tour or show exclusive look at how something is done in your business. Keep in mind, this may be something that is not new or exciting to you but for people who do not experience it daily, it can be exhilarating!
  • Exclusive Content – This is your chance to show people something they have never seen. Do you own a bowling alley? Show your viewers where the pins go when a few pins get knocked down. Or are you a landscape designer? Live stream your creative process on location!
  • Run Contests or Play Games – Have fun and be creative! This is your opportunity to show even more personality from your small business or entertainment center. Rewarding your Periscope community can have the potential to harvest new business.

Interact with Your Viewers

Face-to-face conversation, whether it’s over digital media or in person, is a two-way street. Interact with your viewers by asking them questions and have them give their responses in the chat. Your viewers can also respond with ‘hearts’. Hearts are a good thing! Think of it like a virtual applause. Your viewers are loving your content!

Save Your Stream!

Your stream will be viewable for 24 hours after you end it, but when you end your stream, Periscope will prompt you to save your stream to your device. Do this! Saving your stream can give you even more opportunities to incorporate video into your marketing strategy. Repurpose the videos on your Facebook page or website. Who says live video only has one life?!

Tell us: Are you utilizing live ​video in your strategy? If so, how? Don’t forget to follow TrustWorkz on Periscope too!



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