5 Things That You’re Not Doing On Facebook But Should

Facebook Underused Features

Facebook Underused Features

The power of Facebook seems to just continue to grow year over year. Currently, there is no easier way to connect with a wide variety of people. As of today, most small businesses can easily find their audience on Facebook, but it is still an underused network.

Here are 5 ways that you can turn up your Facebook game in 2016!

  1. Local Awareness Ads: A fairly new objective, Local Awareness Ads are generally less expensive than normal Facebook ads and are a fantastic option for small businesses trying to capture more foot traffic. This Ad objective can be used to reach customers within a few feet of your business and can be tied into things like trunk shows or flash sales.
  2. Organic Audience Targeting: Make the most of your status updates by targeting each post to the audience that is the best match for your content. For example, you can narrow a Mother’s Day post to just moms that like your page. Your reach might not be higher than usual, but your post is more likely to be seen by a relevant audience. This should help improve your engagement by serving content to the right people.
  3. Facebook Live: Okay, so it’s not available for businesses yet, but you should definitely begin to get familiar with this live streaming feature. The advantage of small business owners is that many of you are already connected on social media with your customers. Take advantage of it! Facebook Live streaming on your personal account gives you direct access  If you want to be known as an influencer and the expert to call when someone has a problem that needs to be solved, then get ready to go live!
  4. Facebook Offers: If you’re using Groupon or have used a digital coupon service in the past, I would challenge you to try using Facebook offers at some point as well. This is an underused feature on Facebook that allows you to post a special offer organically (unpaid), through an ad (paid), or both! Try running an offer using Facebook Offers that matches your Groupon offer. Here’s the thing though; You’re going to keep all of the profits instead of splitting them. If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s worth a shot!
  5. Facebook Notes: Notes were once used more often in the early days of Facebook by personal users. It was a way for some to use Facebook as a blogging tool. The feature has been given a facelift recently, and it looks extremely professional. Facebook notes for businesses allow pages to post long form content within the Facebook ecosystem. This form of content is extremely user friendly when you consider your fans on smartphones.

Have you missed out on these Facebook features? Test them out for yourself and let us know what you think!

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