Why the Term “Pivot” Should be a Part of Your Marketing Strategy

The coronavirus has caused a shift in all of our lives. The way we do business and operate day-to-day has changed for good. Pivoting, in every sense of the word, has become vital. As a marketer, I’ve become quite comfortable with pivoting. We’re always on the cutting edge of marketing, technology, and trends to be sure our strategies stay effective for you and your business. 


If you’re not a marketer, pivoting your marketing strategy may feel like more uncertainty in an upside down world. But pivoting doesn’t need to be scary. Here’s our totally non-technical checklist to ensure your marketing strategy stays in tip-top shape:

Stay Curious

It’s important to keep your eyes open for new opportunities to pivot your marketing activities. Take a look at your competitors, businesses you admire, and even larger businesses to see what they are up to digitally. This practice will help you stay informed and be creative with your own marketing efforts. Don’t be afraid to pivot—creative, unexpected, and genuine moments are usually the most memorable. 

Be Thankful

This pandemic has caused everyone to look at their everyday lives in a different way. We should all be thankful for the little things in our lives (and maybe the big things, too!). One thing to be extremely thankful for is your business’s digital presence. This includes your website, your social media profiles and your listings. Why? Because no matter what happens in the world (talking to you, COVID), you will always have these things. Yes, some platforms may become more important than others, but you have the foundation of a strong digital presence in a time when your social network is more important than ever.

Your Network is Your Net Worth

If we’ve learned anything during this pandemic, it’s that the internet is essential, not a luxury. People have flocked to the internet to connect with people, order essential items, and even replace in-person appointments like doctor’s visits. We use it to make human connections through Zoom Meetings, Facebook Live, and Instagram Live, just to mention a few. If your business has an active social network, then your social presence has thrived during COVID-19. This is what I mean by your “network is your net worth.” If you’ve built a true, authentic audience of engaged customers and brand ambassadors, then you’ve noticed that your network was and is there for you: buying gift cards, leaving virtual tips for your staff, and sharing their desire to support your family-owned business through these tough times. This type of authenticity is key. Lean on them, especially during these times. These are your people. They want to support you. 

Pivoting Shouldn’t Be Scary

Learning to pivot is essential to your marketing efforts. It can be scary to change up your game, but if we are talking honestly, the game has changed. Once you learn to move with the flow of waves instead of being washed up by the undertow, you’ll find less stress and more success. Digital marketing is fluid, and your marketing strategy should be as well. Audit each of the items you are doing in your marketing strategy and ask yourself if there are benefits to it. If you cannot find the benefits, then you know it’s time to redirect your efforts to a more useful area.


You Don’t Have to Audit your Efforts Alone! 

Consult with your Digital Marketing Strategist to see what pivots we can make to your strategy to ensure everything you’re doing is beneficial to your business. Not a current TrustWorkz customer? Contact us to get a free 30-minute consultation. Our company will remain open and committed to helping your business thrive online during this challenging time.


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