Making Instagram Work for Your Small Business


Do you want to know one of the most abused and biggest mistakes we see when checking out Family Entertainment Center (FEC) Instagram accounts? It’s a feed filled with event posters… especially the ones that aren’t even made for Instagram (sizing is a dead giveaway). When we hear from small businesses that social media has no ROI (return on investment), we generally know why with one look at their content. I’ve covered the topic of adding value multiple times in previous posts, but it’s worth repeating over and over again. You must add value to your customers if you want to see any return. Instagram is a network that has a ton of potential. We don’t think that it has been fully tapped into yet, so if you haven’t jumped onboard, now might be a good time. Here are a few tips that you can use to make the most of your Instagram account for your FEC.

Instagram Marketing Tips for FECs

  • Stay true to your brand and stay consistent. As an entertainment center, your options are almost limitless. Stick to having fun, whether it’s with customers or your team.
  • Use relevant tags in your posts. General tags will provide you with more national exposure. Hyper local will help connect your brand with local fans and news outlets.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask Instagram users to engage further. Include calls to action, especially for contests, so that you can take your customer relationship to a new level.
  • Lighting and quality matter! If you’re spending more than 2 minutes editing your photo, it’s probably not good enough to share on Instagram. Quality images that are well lit attract more interaction.
  • Yes, you can share news about upcoming events. Please, don’t share your flyers though. They don’t fit the Instagram format. Take a fun image and overlay text about the event. In the description section, include a link to the blog post about the event so that customers can learn more about it. We have seen some businesses switch out the URL in their profile with great success. Just remember to update it regularly so that you’re not sending people to old news.

instagram tips from hubspot  

Instagram Inspiration

As far as FECs go, SkyZone does a pretty good job of posting relevant and entertaining content.

Happy Sunday! How are you spending the long weekend? #SkySocks #MDW A photo posted by Sky Zone (@skyzone) on


Hit your customers with value over and over again. #marketing

A photo posted by TrustWorkz (@trustworkz) on

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