A Quick Guide to Instagram Reels

One of Instagram’s newest and most popular features, Reels are a great way to increase your business’s social presence and interact with your followers in a unique way. 

What are Instagram reels?


Often compared to the incredibly similar TikTok platform, Reels exist as a feature of Instagram, not a separate application or program. Reels are short-format vertical videos often meant to pair with audio. If you remember Vine, the six-second video social media platform, Reels operate in a similar fashion but have a longer allowable runtime. Reels are searchable on Instagram, just like posts and hashtags, and lend themselves to the creation and amplification of trends. 


Why should I use them?


Reels on Instagram are becoming more popular by the second, which means increasing numbers of users viewing them every day. The user interface for Reels also lends itself to prolonged scrolling, which keeps viewers on Instagram for longer periods of time than they may have previously devoted to the app. All of these elements make Reels the perfect tool and platform to promote your business! Video concepts like product introductions and explanations, get-to-know-us style staff videos, and demonstrations all do well as Reels and can help your business grow!


How expensive are reels?


Reels are free! Time is the only resource spent on the creation of Reels, making it a fantastic promotional tool that you can start using any time! At TrustWorkz, we’re experts on Reels and are ready to help you navigate the ever-changing world of video posts on Instagram. Give us a call or shoot us an email today to find out more! 


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